title_shape_1Paul Gronow Driving Instructor in barry, vale of Glamorgan

Looking for a driving instructor in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan?

Learn to drive in barry this week

Living in Barry? Looking to start your driving lessons soon? There's no waiting list with Paul Gronow! I have a few spaces right now. Contact Paul Gronow driving instructor today; specialising in Barry Test Centre area. For people who live in or can get to Barry. Receive your free copy of my original Barry-based learn to drive book. This 77 page book has helped many learners learn how to drive to test standard 7 days a week! They save money, reduce stress and are more likely to retain the knowledge thus making it much easier to pass their practical driving test first time! Why not come join us soon... get in touch today!

title_shape_1Paul Gronow Driving Instructor in barry, vale of Glamorgan

Driver Support from Paul Gronow

Years Driving Experience
title_shape_1About Paul Gronow

Paul Gronow Driving & Teaching Experience

Hello my name is Paul Gronow, I offer manual transmission driving lessons in the Barry Test Centre area. I have been driving since 1980 and qualified as a DVSA approved driving instructor in 2018. Prior to that I helped people gain knowledge, skills and qualifications as a Business and IT Tutor; teaching in Barry College, Cardiff County Council and as a Freelance IT Trainer across South Wales. Qualifications include: BA (Hons) HRM, FAETC, DVSA ADI. Since 2018 having left IT & SEO behind, I now offer full-time driver support to both learner and experienced drivers. I enjoy helping people and have created a book, audio lessons and videos (all barry-based), helping people to learn how to drive whilst in and out of the driving lesson.

Clutch Control Lesson

Please check out this short FREE to view video lesson on the use of the clutch. I designed and created this for my learners in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan.

There are many more learning resources available to my learners…

  • Cluch Control
  • Moving off
  • Changing gear
  • Stopping
  • Slow moving traffic
  • Hovering
  • Angled start

Frequently Asked Questions

Gaining your full drivers licence is an essential life skill. If after having read my responses to the following questions you want to ask me a question and maybe even have it featured here then please get in touch with me using the contact options; mobile text message, email or contact form. I very much welcome your questions and who knows your question answered here may just help others...

Firstly, the DVSA recommend that the average length of driving tuition hours required to become test standard is 45 hours plus 22 hours with a support driver. It is not just a matter of learning the how to but being able to apply safe driving skills when interacting with other road users across a variety of routines and manoeuvres. It will largely depend on you, how you best like to learn, practice and apply the knowledge, skills and decision making found in my learn to drive book.

Great question, 1 hour lessons are very useful when undertaking an assessment, mock test or just an occasional additional lesson. 2 Hour driving lessons are by far the most popular choice of both instructor and learner, as you will be able to take in and apply essential how to steps with time to drive to the locations and work on memory retention. There is a popular 3rd option however that some of my learners prefer. The 1.5 hour lesson where you get to take on less content but still make steady progress through your learn to drive programme. It is advisable to discus your requirements with me Paul Gronow driving instructor in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan.

Learning to drive with me, (Paul Gronow) in Barry, Vale of Glamorgan gives you a huge advantage. I will give you a 77 page Barry-based learn to drive blueprint book. In addition, you will gain access to online audio lessons with accompanying images linked to the content of the book. Finally, you can watch videos that I created on the roundabouts.

I have been privileged to have supported a number of people with a variety of barriers to learning. It is advisable that you talk with me Paul Gronow your driving instructor in Barry, and we can consider the best way to help you.

    Send Your Question Here

    title_shape_1_whiteWhy Choose Paul Gronow as your driving instructor in Barry Vale of Glamorgan?

    Get Behind The Wheel And Take The Lead

    Free Learner Resources

    Receive total drive app, book, audio and video files

    Flexible lesson Plans

    Limited Learner numbers offer you the time you need

    Respected Coach

    Many satisfied customers, please check out reviews

    High Pass Rate

    We focus, we share, we learn, we monitor, we pass...


    Started as an ADI


    Current Students


    Learners Helped

    title_shape_1Your Learn To Drive Programme

    A snapshot of your journey...


    Your Learning Plan

    We work out your unique learn to drive programme. Set up your learn to drive resource pack.


    Your Lesson Plan

    Set up your lesson timetable, paying particular attention to your timeframe, financial constraints and capability.


    Payment Plan

    Spread the cost of your learning with pay per lesson option or save money using a block booking arrangement.


    Set & Reach Goals

    Work and monitor progress, take in regular mini assessment and keep track of your learn to drive goals.

    Paul Gronow


    To Book Your First Driving Lesson Contact Paul Today

    Please get in touch with any questions that you have. I look forward to hearing from you and will get back in touch accordingly